Sotheby's Institute of Art

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Accreditation: Privy Council
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30 Bedford Square
London WC1B 3EE
United Kingdom
Phone: 44 (0) 20 7293 5000


Sotheby's Institute of Art review, MA London

Sotheby's Institute of Art MA seems not to be the least bit selective about whom they admit to their programme. If you've got any variety of university degree and you can pay their tuition I'll bet you'll be offered admission. This 'generosity' does not-and should not-inspire confidence in the standards of their MA course as academic backgrounds of students are not particularly strong (i.e. it's populated by many Americans with barely a 3.0 gpa who were swiftly rejected from Cambridge and The Courtauld). If you're looking for a prestigious, impressive programme that will help you get a foot on the ladder in the super competitive commercial art job market I think you may be disappointed by Sotheby's Institute of Art.

Cons: poor academic reputation, expensive

I would NOT recommend to a friend.

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