Southern Methodist University

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Accreditation: National Association of Schools of Art and Design
National Association of Schools of Dance
Association of Theological Schools
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
National Association of Schools of Theatre
National Association of Schools of Music
American Bar Association
Type: Private
Established: 1911
Grading system
6425 Boaz St
Dallas 75275-0221
United States
Phone: 214-768-2000


Like Advanced High School

Remember how when you were in high school everyone was very clicky, judgmental, and immature? Then you are supposed to go to college and things will get better because people are supposed to adults? Not the case at SMU--it is high school all over again. The type of people that are attracted to this university are primarily the same (white upper-middle and upper class), so if you happen to be a good egg that gets caught up in the social scene here, I feel sorry for you. It is pretty hard to actually focus on academics and what college is supposed to be about when you feel like your every move is being put under a microscope. Honestly, it is all about the Greek life here, which is obnoxious. I mean, seriously? People actually value their self worth based on what a bunch of letter-wearing, daddy's-money-spending jerks think about them. The materialism is gross. A lot of rich white kid syndrome going on. Stepping outside the social scene at SMU, it is actually a nice school. The academics are very reputable and it sits in a really nice neighborhood in Dallas. It is only about 5 miles from downtown and the campus is absolutely beautiful and extremely well kept.

Pros: beautiful campus

Cons: expensive, unfair faculty/instructors, Judgmental

I would recommend to a friend!

Run by Greeks

If you are not planning on identifying and classifying your life as a "frat boy" or "sorority girl" I would skip this school. I had no idea Greek life was such a big deal when I decided to go to this school. Also, everyone is completely rich. And these kids love to flaunt their parents money. The nightlife is pretty great and I definitely can't complain about that. There is always something to do. If you are a big social person or enjoy the night scene I would recommend this school for you. Although, I caution you to choose your social groups wisely!!! The campus is really great. There is a wide variety of majors to choose from and I think most of the academic programs are pretty good. You can be as successful as you want to be. The reputation of this university is on the rise. I guess there are a lot of pros and cons to attending this university and it depends a lot on the type of person you are. If you are rich (in the ostentatious way) or want to be obsessed with Greek life, then this is SMU is the place to be. I should also point out that if you are not Southern, I would probably steer clear.

Pros: beautiful campus, Rising reputation, Attractive people

Cons: expensive, Mean students, Too much Greek life

I would NOT recommend to a friend.

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